Approximate Chronology 
of Production Diesel-Powered Farm Tractors

I compiled most of this list by reviewing the book Farm Tractors 1926-1956, from Intertec, which was in turn compiled from advertisements in Implement & Tractor (I&T) publications.  The book says that the advertising dates weren't always the same as the introduction dates, and so any given date may be off by a few years.  See any mistakes?  Please e-mail me at
  1932:  Cat Diesel 68-79 crawler (first production diesel tractor, wheeled or crawler)

1933:  McCormick-Deering TD-40 crawler (first IH diesel)

(All further diesel crawlers omitted, since there were zillions of them and I was primarily looking for wheeled tractors).

1934:  McCormick-Deering WD-40 (used same engine as TD-40 crawler)

1940:  International WD-6 (same engine as TD-6 crawler)
1940:  Oliver 80 (diesel engine became available as an option)

1941:  Farmall MD (same engine as WD-6 and TD-6)
1941:  International WD-9 (same engine as TD-9 crawler)

1942:  Farmall MDV (same engine as other 6-series tractors)
1942:  International ODS-6 (same engine as other 6-series tractors)

1946:  Massey-Harris 44D

1949:  John Deere R (first JD diesel)
1949:  Sheppard Diesel SD2 and SD3

1951:  Sheppard Diesel SDG2, SDG3, SDO2, SDO3

1952:  Farmall Super MD
1952:  International Super WD-6
1952:  Massey-Harris 55D
1952:  Oliver 66D, 77D, 88D

1953:  International Super WD-9

1954:  Case 500D
1954:  Cockshutt Diesel 50
1954:  Farmall Super MTA Diesel
1954:  International Super WD-6TA
1954:  John Deere 70D Rowcrop
1954:  Minneapolis-Moline G Diesel
1954:  Oliver 99D
1954:  Sheppard Diesel SD4

1955:  Farmall 400D
1955:  Fordson Major Diesel
1955:  John Deere 70 Standard Diesel and 80D
1955:  Minneapolis-Moline GB Diesel
1955:  Oliver Super 55, 66, 77, 88, and 99 Diesels

1956:  Allis-Chalmers WD-45 Diesel
1956:  John Deere 720D


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Thanks for visiting!  E-mail me at if you have any comments.  I'm always glad to talk tractors and such. --Dean Vinson

Copyright notice:  Unless noted otherwise, I wrote all the text and took all the photos.  Feel free to make any personal use of them, but do not make any commercial or public use of them without my specific okay.